Being community-centered: Our October Roadshow Stops

Being community-informed is central to our work at co:census. So it should be no surprise that we spend a good amount of our time engaging urban planners in spaces where they convene — conferences!

In the past month, our team attended three major conferences - the North Carolina APA Conference, NOMA 2023, and the Pennsylvania APA Chapter Conference; each a unique platform for diving into chats about all-inclusive urban design and planning.

Our Prep Work:

We primed ourselves for these three key events - North Carolina APA, NOMA 2023, and Pennsylvania APA - each offering a unique opportunity to advance conversations on inclusive urban design and planning. We aimed to link up, share info, and show how community engagement can be strengthened with technology. The trifecta of events — North Carolina APA, NOMA 2023, and Pennsylvania APA, emerged not merely as platforms, but as pathways to steer a paradigm shift in urban planning conversations.

North Carolina APA: Initiating Dialogues

At the North Carolina APA Conference, we stepped into a realm of rich dialogues revolving around equitable urban planning. Chatting with a mixed bag of pros lets us swap and snag ideas about using tech to connect with communities, kicking off our team-up journey.

NOMA 2023: Engaging In Design Discourses

NOMA 2023 was a haven for innovative and equity-centered architectural dialogues. Attending NOMA 2023 let us really dig into the talks about inclusive design, and how crucial it is to listen to community voices when we're shaping city spaces that truly connect with people.

Pennsylvania APA: Fostering Planning Progress

The APA Pennsylvania Chapter Conference was a spectacle of collaborative discourse among planning professionals. We kicked up the conversation around community, showing how tech can support the planning process and lead to cities that welcome everyone.

Reflecting On The Impact: Our Takeaways

Our involvement had a deep impact, sparking conversations about fair and just urban planning methods. Participating in these events not only broadened our view but fired up our determination to push the idea of urban planning that's all about community.

Engage with co:census to foster community-informed urban planning and design.


Language Access is key to inclusive community engagement


Filter Survey Responses by Question with co:census - 5 Benefits for Urban Planners