Filter Survey Responses by Question with co:census - 5 Benefits for Urban Planners

Urban planners know the challenge - sifting through vast amounts of survey data to pinpoint the nuggets of insight they need. While tools like Survey Monkey and Google Forms allow filtering survey responses by question, users still have to export data to a separate platform for any meaningful analysis. The manual reviews of pages of open-ended responses across tools can be tedious. With so much information splintered across multiple places, it's easy to lose focus or miss key details.

But what if you could filter that mountain of responses to see only the data points relevant to your specific questions?

And what if you could do it all on one platform? co:census' new filtering capability enables just that.

Read on to see how it can help urban planners analyze community survey results more efficiently.

Finding the Answer in the Noise

Picture this - you've conducted an extensive community survey with dozens of questions and hundreds of responses. You've got robust open-ended feedback across a multitude of topics.

Now comes the time to analyze it. Where do you even start?

Manually reviewing mounds of public comments is daunting. Urban planners rely on community surveys to inform needs, but uncovering meaningful insights can be like finding a needle in a haystack. It's far too easy to lose focus sifting through pages of irrelevant responses. And that risks missing key details.

There has to be an easier way to pinpoint what matters.

Pinpoint What Matters

co:census' powerful new filtering capability streamlines survey analysis by enabling users to filter public feedback by specific questions or a combination of questions.

For example, if you fielded a survey covering transportation, housing, business development, and more - you can now instantly filter to view the qualitative analysis of responses to your transportation questions, not just the responses themselves.

Filtering along different question sets reveals insights you may have otherwise missed if reviewing the full survey data dump. It surfaces patterns and connections between survey topics based on response themes.

Your 5 Benefits from this feature

For urban planners, co:census filtering enables a game-changing streamlined analysis workflow:

  • Easily import new survey data from platforms like SurveyMonkey or CSV/Excel files

  • Filter responses by specific questions, zip codes, languages, and more

  • Uncover insights relevant to your specific research needs, and relationships between survey topics, by analyzing filtered question sets - rather than endlessly reviewing everything.

  • Remain focused on the findings that matter most for your goals.

  • Avoid wasting time on irrelevant data that don't pertain to your goals.

By bringing disparate steps into one intuitive experience, co:census slashes the time you’d usually spend piecing together survey insights. You’ll go from raw data to impactful findings in no time flat.

Transform your survey analysis with co:census survey filtering - and pinpoint what matters faster.

Schedule an intro call with our team and learn how co:census can save you team time.


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Automate Your Analysis of Public Comments with co:census